One of the best parts of senior sessions is when seniors add in all the things they love. Grant is a Chilton senior athlete with a lot of passion for high school sports. To celebrate that, we included baseball, basketball and football into his senior pictures.
Grant is a 2023 Senior Spokesmodel, so I already knew from his application that athletics are a huge part of his daily life. With baseball as one of his favorites, we headed to the Chilton High School ball field. Grant was so easy going, and was up for just about anything! I had him sliding into bases, pitching baseballs at me, and throwing the ball around with his sister. There were a few times I thought for sure he was going to hit me with one! Luckily he has a pretty good aim and I was not his target!
Chilton is a small town, and it’s actually the place where I grew up and went to school! I don’t get back home often enough, but when I do it feels pretty nostalgic. It was fun being so close to the place where I spent so many days, and to see all of the changes being made!
One of the biggest changes is to the track and football field. They are in the process of rebuilding at a new location. Since this is likely the last year football will be played at “the old field” it was extra special to be able to head there next. Grant threw on his football gear and once again was up for anything. My favorite pictures from this part of his session are the super candid ones where he’s laughing at his mom after catching the football. All the posing and action shots are fun, but it’s the in between moments that really capture someone’s personality.
I know that I make each session fun and light, but it’s usually the people standing next to me that bring out the “real” senior. Both Grant’s mom and older sister tagged along for his shoot. As long as a senior is comfortable I encourage them to bring important people to their session. After all, those are the relationships that have carried you this far. Whether it’s your mom making you laugh with quotes from the Office or your big sister helping you decide between the Nikes and the Hey Dudes- those people matter. To you and to me, and they are always welcome to celebrate in this milestone with you.
Grant, as you head into your senior year in Chilton I look forward to having you on the team! I hope you laugh as you go through these photos and relive my terrible screech when that ball was nowhere near me. I hope you remember all the goofy things your mom said. Please don’t forget how Allyson threw you the ball despite her arm being in a sling! You have an incredible family, and your love and support for one another does not go unnoticed.

Interested in becoming a Senior Spokesmodel? Applications for the class of 2024 open after January! So be sure to check back then!