As next in line to inherit the family farm, it was only fitting that Ashlyn’s senior portraits would be taken right at home with her sweet cow Milly! The Brill’s property is a beautiful slice of land that has the perfect touch of midwestern charm. The farm is active and busy, but everyone was happy to lend a hand to help Ashlyn’s senior portraits go off without a hitch!
When I arrived to the farm, Ashlyn had just finished bailing hay. She was slipping in to her prom gown and freshening up. One of the first things she wrote in her spokesmodel application was “I’m your average farm girl who does not mind getting her hands dirty, but when it is time to get classy I can rock that stunning dress”. I chuckled as she had already lived up to her words. I loved on her sweet labs and met several members of the Brill family. They showed me around the property, introduced me to the cows and took me for a ride in their 4×4. When I say that I have the world’s coolest job I mean it! Senior portraits are seriously so much fun.
getting to know Ashlyn
As we scoped out the perfect location for her senior photos, we chatted about Ashlyn’s summer work at the vet clinic and her experiences in 4H and FFA. I could tell she was excited for her photos, but not as excited as she was about her animals. Nothing could compare to that love and passion. She lit up with pride as she explained to me how hard she had to work to form a bond with Milly. Everywhere she went, she was followed by a cat or cow. It was like they were just a part of her presence. Whether she was walking Milly through the tall grass or jumping on the tractor, it was so clear to me that Ashlyn had found her place. At such a young age she has already figured it out. She’s living her dream and loving every bit of it.
As I spent the rest of the evening documenting this season of Ashlyn’s life- I couldn’t help but feel incredibly lucky. There I was, invited onto someone’s private land to share in their lives and learn about all the things that light their world up. For a few hours, I got to witness first hand the things that Ashlyn loves most- and I got to do it on a beautiful night none the less. I had fun hopping in the cow pasture and petting the kittens, but I also just loved being present in someone else’s world. Their safe space, their home.
Thank you so much Brill family for allowing me to be a part of this milestone. It was a blast! I appreciate our time together and cannot wait to see how much Ashlyn grows throughout this next year!
P.S. Thanks for the tip about bringing my boots, you were right!

Thank you Brill family!
Want to learn more about the Kuffel Photography Senior Experience? Head on over to the Senior Page!