Best Friend Senior Session | Senior Spokesmodel | DeForest, WI
Meet senior spokesmodel, Danielle! She is a bubbly, outspoken gal with a huge heart who prides herself on her ability to make the people around her feel a little bit brighter. Her evening was filled with laughter, a little sass, and a lot of fun. She chose to include her best friend Emma, and her adorable dog Luke in her senior session to help celebrate this special stage of life!
Her senior session may have been one of the WARMEST ones to date, but her attitude was upbeat and positive the entire time (perks of having your best friend along maybe?). The weather was perfect for her cute floral sundresses, and we lucked out with the glowy sunlight for most of it! Danielle had a super “go with the flow” vibe, and seemed genuinely set out on just having a good time which is what senior season is all about!
We tried out a new location in DeForest where we played around near the water bank (until we saw a snake) and then made our way up the river in search of taller grasses and the boardwalk! Most of the night was filled with conversation, another one of Danielle’s positive attributes- the girl could carry on a conversation with just about anyone! By the end of it we had spent almost two hours together and walked about three miles- but it flew by!
Thank you Danielle for trusting me as your senior photographer! Cannot wait to get the whole group together again soon!

To learn more about the Kuffel Photography Senior Experience, head to our Senior Page!