
A hobby filled senior session with fishing, hunting, farming and baseball

August 1, 2024

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Senior Session | Fishing, Hunting, Farming and Baseball | Chilton, WI

Peyton’s senior session was filled with hobbies like fishing, hunting, farming and baseball! It made the evening so much fun, and best of all- made his session truly unique to him.

We started the night off on his Dad’s fishing boat over on Long Lake! We didn’t have enough time to actually fish, so Peyton humored me by catching a few weeds and being a good sport about moving the boat in circles as we battled the ever changing sun. Next up was the family land with a jaw dropping wheat field and so much beautiful light. Peyton and his mom wanted to recreate a special hunting shot that his older sister had taken years back to showcase yet another of his outdoorsy hobbies!

When he’s not on the boat, or out hunting, he also spends time with his steer- and this year’s was his favorite yet! As the golden sun dipped low, he lead his steer into the pasture where we spent the most time of his entire session. In part because it was just so beautiful, but mostly because his smile seemed the most genuine while we were there, like we had settled into the place he felt most like himself.

Lastly, we couldn’t forget to showcase Peyton’s role on the baseball team as Pitcher! We made our way to the ball field for a few final action shots. He shared with me his pre-pitch ritual of drawing a cross in the mound for good luck, and had his mom and I laughing at what a good sport he was about sliding! He successfully pitched the ball right over my head and camera for that epic pitching shot below. Mom even helped out by tossing the ball a few times!

All in all it was a great night and I think we all genuinely had fun. Of all the hobbies in his senior session; hunting, fishing, farming and baseball it’s hard to choose a favorite!

fishing senior session
hunting senior session
farm senior session
baseball senior session

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