This relaxed senior session at the Memorial Union Terrace is a whole vibe in itself. Everything from the perfect golden sunlight, to KayDance’s bare feet just made it feel genuine and down to earth. I always feel as though the energy on campus is just different than anywhere else. There’s something about the Union that puts everyone in a good mood.
KayDance was the first senior this year to opt for a session completely on Campus. She had done some research ahead of time. The look of the colored chairs and the ivy wall that the Memorial Union Terrace offers caught her eye. She had also mentioned how much she loves art. I thought that starting on the front steps where she could see all the gorgeous architecture would be something she appreciated.
I asked KayDance why she applied to be a part of the senior spokesmodel team. She shared that one of her goals for her senior year was to get out of her shell and find herself. I might be a little biased, but I’d say she’s already well on her way to doing so. She was so confident and sweet throughout her entire session. I loved how she had much fun with it. She took her time to stop and soak in everything around her, and was truly present in the moment,
It felt like our night flew by. I learned about her love of Colorado and her adorable dogs. I even got the inside scoop on her experience as one of the only female wrestlers in her school. When she changed into her singlet, I think my heart exploded in pride. I instantly remembered having watched her compete when she was just a little kid. She snapped me out of it though when she dropped down for a few pushups so her flex would look better. That girl had me tearing up because it made me laugh so hard.
We never left the Terrace the entire night. Instead we followed the golden sunlight down to the water where we ended her session. By the end of it my jeans were soaked, I was covered in algae and some weird pink goo that I had sat in. I lost a lens cap and stubbed my toe so hard it bled, but my heart was so incredibly happy.
When I got home that night, I found the sweetest message from her mom, and when I delivered her gallery that weekend KayDance emailed me to tell me once again how much they loved their photos and experience. I love the confidence that senior sessions bring, and KayDance I hope that those photos help you feel uniquely yourself. Keep growing out of your shell. I cannot wait to see what this year has in store for you!

Interested in becoming a Kuffel Photography Senior Spokesmodel? Applications open in January and you can read more about it on the Senior Rep page!