Auggie is a theater lover, who spends every ounce of his free time singing, playing an instrument or practicing for an upcoming role. With dreams of making it big in NYC some day, he wanted to be sure that his session included a small tribute to his love for the stage.
For someone who loves to perform, being the center of attention at his own session was a little bit uncomfortable. I have found this to be really common amongst a lot of theater loving seniors who are so used to acting as someone else! When the spotlight is on them it can feel a little strange. He persevered though, and with a little faith in me and a few horrible jokes- Auggie warmed up and pulled off an awesome shoot. He chose a location and wardrobe for his senior session that was both modern and timeless!
During the planning process of his experience, Auggie shared with me that he really wanted photos in front of an old theater. Thankfully, Madison is a city of endless opportunity, and with a little bit of research we landed on the Majestic. It’s bright and colorful, and conveniently close to the capitol which is such a great spot for anyone looking for a clean and modern senior session.
Auggie was a little quiet at first, but once we started talking about play rehearsal he just lit up. It was awesome to hear about his upcoming auditions and roles, and I loved the excitement he shared when talking about prepping for college! As we made our way toward the capitol I got to hear about funny things that happened at rehearsals, and learn that in addition to acting he also has a passion for singing and playing music. I might be dating myself here, but that’s what we used to call being “a triple threat”!
Thank you Auggie for stepping outside of your comfort zone and trusting the process. I hope that as you continue to grow and take on new adventures, that you take a moment to be proud of yourself for all that you’ve accomplished so far! Check out a few of my favorites from our session below:

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