Annalia has a shy and sweet personality, but when she comes out of her shell she is funny and uplifting to those around her. She has a passion for musical theater and hopes to one day chase down her dreams in the big city of New York. Until then, you’ll finder her busy with dance practice, the community theater and singing her heart out in Chilton High School’s Concert Chorrale! She’s actively involved in the things that she cares about, making her a perfect fit to this year’s spokesmodel team!
With her love for the arts, we knew that Madison WI would be the perfect spot for her senior pictures. We started out at Madison’s beautiful Olbrich Botanical Gardens. Annalia loved the nature and all of the water feature and it was fun to explore with everything so lush and green. We then headed out to find some fun and colorful murals for a little bit of edge and creativity! We ended the evening at the popular Tenney Park for some beautiful golden hour shots on the stone bridge. The best part about having your senior pictures in Madison is the variety of locations and styles all within 15 minutes of eachother!
Annalia’s older sister and mom tagged along for her session. They had already scoped out some of these spots before, and I was excited that they had played such an active role in her session. Annalia wasn’t kidding when she said she could be shy at first, but by the end of the evening she was chatting with me like an old friend about her dance practices and future broadway dreams. I could even tell through her pictures, that the longer we were shooting the more comfortable she got.
After her session, Annalia shared her sneak peak images online. She commented on how much she loved them, but what really stood out to me was when she said she had never felt more pretty. Feeling beautiful and confident is empowering. I am so grateful for the opportunity to make people see themselves the way I do. Annalia you hold so much value in the person you are. Your dreams, the way you support your friends, the things you care about. While I know that those will always be the parts of you that matter most, I am so glad that these photos help you to see your external beauty as well!

Are you looking to have your senior pictures in Madison WI? Or are you interested in becoming a Kuffel Photography Senior? You can learn more about the experience by clicking here.