Bob and Talena’s Engagement Session
It had been a while since I’d photographed a session at the UW Arboretum, so when Bob and Talena chose that as their location I was thrilled. We were scheduled to be back just in time for the magnolia blooms! I packed up our gear and took one last peak at the weather to decide what to wear. Just then, I saw a massive spread of rain heading our way for the next several hours. With Bob and Talena already on their way, we threw a bunch of clear umbrellas in the trunk and set out to make the most of it!
The closer we got to the Arboretum for their engagement session, the darker the clouds seemed to get. When we arrived, I quickly hopped out to see if the blooms had survived. Thankfully there were a few still holding on! The skies were grey and there was a constant drizzle, but I knew that with a little bit of their trust and a whole lot of strategic positioning, we would be just fine.
Bob and Talena met us, and like so many of our incredible couples they were calm, excited and ready to go with the flow! While juggling umbrellas, dodging the rain, and embracing the drizzle we pulled off a beautiful engagement session. We couldn’t have done that without their trust.
Throughout our time together we learned so many sweet and fun things about the two of them. We smiled listening to their dreams of building a family together, finding the perfect boat and spending a lifetime together seeking adventure and going with the flow. Bob has scored the perfect girl to clean his ducks after a morning of hunting, and Talena has found someone who loves her cat Tinkerbell just as much as she does.
They’ve already begun to build such an incredible life together. The two seem generally calm, happy and balanced with one another. We are happily counting down the days until we see them again this fall. They plan to say “I do” on private family land which Talena’s Dad has been working on all year! It’s a beautiful orchard with views of the lake. Talena’s description of it sounds like an absolute dream!
We joked that since it rained for their engagement session, they deserve the most perfect fall weather in September. So please, do us all a favor and put in a good word with Mother Nature! In the meantime, here are a few of our favorites of the soon to be Mr. and Mrs.!

Thank you to the UW Madison Arboretum for allowing us to use your beautiful grounds!