An anniversary session in Madison, WI

I know that I’m biased because I love these two so much, but their session could not have been any sweeter! Both Jairet and Hannah are very relaxed and down to earth, so fall colors in cozy outfits on public land was the best way to capture their connection. We made a weekend out of it, and just before sunset the three of us made our way to this beautiful field just outside of Madison. Neither of them are overly affectionate in public, but Hannah wanted some loving shots and Jairet ever so willingly followed my direction to achieve them. The thing is, you don’t have to be a professional model to get great portraits. MOST of my clients start their sessions feeling a little nervous, wondering “what should I do with my hands?” Those nerves quickly melt, often times within minutes as we start chatting and laughing with one another. Jairet and Hannah were no exception to this.
The thing I love most about their relationship is that neither one of them tries to change the other. It’s no joke in the family, that Hannah has the patience of a saint. She stands by Jairet through all of his shenanigans and shows up to love him unconditionally each day. Jairet keeps a small circle, but if you are fortunate to be a part of it you know you’ll always be taken care of. Although he may not be thrilled about all the trips to Target and Home Goods, or posing for a photo shoot, he’ll always do it for her. Hannah’s sweet and calm energy has been the perfect addition to Jairet’s circle, and I love the happiness they bring out in one another!!
Love you both so so much! Thank you for letting me in on your connection for an evening!